Do We Have Faith!

There are storms in our lives that we must go through! It is foolish to try to avoid them! But faith in Jesus, the Master of All, is with us, if we have faith in Him!

We read in St. Mark’s Gospel,

And He (Jesus) said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?”

Mark 4:40

Jesus had these questions to ask His disciples who were with Him in a boat and they were experiencing a terrible storm. They were fearful because it was a dangerous situation. It was a life or death experience. The Disciples did not know who they were with, Jesus, so they thought they all were doomed. However, they had enough sense to call on Jesus and He spoke to the Storm, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39.

The message is this, we know Jesus, and whatever storm comes our way, we know what to do: Call on Jesus!

Surrender whatever we are going through to Jesus, do whatever we are able to do and say to Him,

I put all of my hope in You!

Jesus has Victory over every storm!

Have an awesome Sunday!

Pax. The Hermit of Peace.

Come to Jesus and Be Healed!

We have reached the last Sunday before the Lenten Fast. Today in our Gospel section we meet Jesus our only hope. He is the one that can reconnect us to ourselves and to others.

We read in St. Mark’s Gospel:

And a leper came to him (Jesus) begging Him, and kneeling said to Him, “If you will, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, He stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I will;be clean.” And immediately the leprosy left him and he was made clean.”

Mark 1:40-42.

The man seeking Jesus knew there was no other way in his world without the intervention of Jesus in his life.  Jesus, in His part, came into this World to do exactly what this leper needed; to be a healer.  Among many different reasons Jesus came to be with us, to be a healing presence in our lives.

As we conclude, for a while, these general Sunday topics, we leave with the knowledge that Jesus can and will heal our deepest concerns that keep us from living wholesome lives. Jesus can bring us to healing of what keeps us from Him and from one another.

Our requirement is to call on Jesus and to let Him take control!

Be healed!

Pax. The Hermit of Peace.




Call On Jesus!

True Freedom Is Possible!

There are many things that can enslave us, our past, our future hopes, the opinions of people, to name a few. But we see in St. Mark 1:21 and following a person trapped by an evil presence. However, he happened to be at the right place and at the right time!

We read:

Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are-the Holy One of God!”

“Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly “Come out of him!” The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.

Mark 1:23-26

Obviously, this is a very dramatic scene, however it may allow us to enter into what God can do for us if we make ourselves available to God! Whatever our situation is, we need freedom from what is holding us down.

Call on Jesus!

What Jesus did for this person two thousand years ago, He can do for us today!

Trust in the power of Jesus to save!

Bring to Him all of the troubles you experienced and let Him free you!

Many of our ancestors went through horrific situations and turn to Jesus and we are result of them trusting in the Lord and doing the best that they could do!

When Jesus sets you free, you are free indeed!

John 8:36

Jesus is able to deal with our situations and we can pass that healing forward to our loved ones and the world!

Let Jesus take control of our situations!

Pax. The Hermit of Peace.



Call On The Holy Name!

Reach Out To Jesus!

The Storm Will Pass!

“Lord, save me!” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, O man of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Matthew 14: 30-31

The storms we have to deal with, our difficult situations, may cause us to drown in our anxieties, but they need not, because we have Jesus! Reaching out and holding on to Jesus, will save us!

Peter, the Disciple of Jesus, had faith. He knew that he could walk on water if Jesus gave him this grace. That worked, walking on water, as long as he keeps his eyes on Jesus. However, he brought his eyes on to the waging sea, feeling on his own, he started to sink.

When we had that sinking feeling, call on Jesus!

Peter models for us our reality! There will be storms, difficult situations in our lives, Peter called on Jesus and He held Peter up! The storm is real, but so is Jesus, and His power to save!

Two things are essential in rising out of the storms in our lives, and Peter models both. Peter had a relationship with Jesus, he was a disciple, that is the first point! The second is, when Peter was in trouble, he called on the
Holy Name of Jesus and Jesus lifted him up! Jesus will do the same for us! Some of us already have a testimony how the storm that was meant to destroy us, brought us into closer union with Jesus!

Call on Jesus and be saved!

Have a blessed Sunday!
