Be Crazy in Love!

Be like Jesus!

If we love each other like Jesus loves us, we may be viewed as being crazy! Hate seems to be more normal in our world today. Perhaps it has been that way always! Jesus tells us in word and deed that this hate is contrary to Divine Culture. We read in St. Mark’s Gospel,

When His relatives heard of this, they set out to seize Him, for they said, “He is out of His mind.” Mark 3: 21

The family of Jesus did not understand that Jesus’ purpose is to make the Divine present in the here and now. They would eventually understand because His relatives would continue His work after His Death and Resurrection.

Are we ready to live the Divine Culture of Love?

Perhaps we would be crazy to say yes because many of true believers get misunderstood and mistreated because others do not want the Culture of Love to reign. But for those who choose to say yes to the Divine, the peace and love and joy outweigh all of the suffering one might encounter in being true believers.

Choose to be out of one’s mind like Jesus!

Pax. The Hermit of Peace.