Divine Mercy Matters!

Happy Divine Mercy Sunday!

There is an urgent need to live Divine Mercy in our lives. Our world needs to see it in how we treat ourselves and each other. We can change the trajectory of our lives and those we encounter. We can go from chaos to peace and lead others to peace too! We read in the Gospel of St. John,

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.”

John 20:21

As we close the high holy days of Easter, we are challenged by the words of the Risen Lord Jesus to be His presence in the world. God entered into our midst over 2000 years ago in the womb of Mary His Mother and as the world so desperately needed Him then, so do we need Him now. Humankind must always be challenged to live supernaturally!

We must live the Mercy that we say we believe in! People need to see that there is another way to live, the Mercy Way!

How we treat ourselves and others say volumes about what we really believe!

The world still has hope, and it begins with us!

We must ask ourselves honestly, are we living the fact that Jesus rose from the dead?

Are we living Divine Mercy?

Happy Divine Mercy Sunday!

Pax. The Hermit of Peace.
