Do We Have Faith!

There are storms in our lives that we must go through! It is foolish to try to avoid them! But faith in Jesus, the Master of All, is with us, if we have faith in Him!

We read in St. Mark’s Gospel,

And He (Jesus) said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?”

Mark 4:40

Jesus had these questions to ask His disciples who were with Him in a boat and they were experiencing a terrible storm. They were fearful because it was a dangerous situation. It was a life or death experience. The Disciples did not know who they were with, Jesus, so they thought they all were doomed. However, they had enough sense to call on Jesus and He spoke to the Storm, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39.

The message is this, we know Jesus, and whatever storm comes our way, we know what to do: Call on Jesus!

Surrender whatever we are going through to Jesus, do whatever we are able to do and say to Him,

I put all of my hope in You!

Jesus has Victory over every storm!

Have an awesome Sunday!

Pax. The Hermit of Peace.

Embrace The Cross!

Embrace Your True Self!

Jesus shows us the essential nature of carrying one’s cross. He did that by modeling this process with His own life. He tells us directly:

“If anyone comes after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.”
Matthew 16:24

Jesus had to deny Himself as the world would see it, that is, to compromise with the world for self preservation, and embrace His true self by defying the world and all of it’s temporary pleasures. The cross is often difficult and painful, but it is embracing who we truly are and here we find peace.

The message of Jesus, the message of Divine Love, was a threat to those in authority in the culture that Jesus lived in. These individuals had compromised themselves to be comfortable. Jesus’ words and how He lived, contradicted their approach life. To Jesus everyone must be treated with love. This meant loving oneself and loving others as if we were loving ourselves! This message is key to Jesus’ Jewish tradition and He would not compromise it even if this meant dying for His true self!

Embracing one’s cross may lead to one’s Crucifixion!

To follow Jesus means for us to embrace the cross of following Him. Usually it means living a good Christian life, a life where Divine Love reigns, however, it also means being willing to die to be faithful to our true selves as Jesus’ disciples. No compromising Love of oneself and one another!

The saints, the holy ones, did this. St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta’ Feast is approaching in a few days. Mother Teresa had an inner call that called her out of the comfort of her convent school environment to the streets of India, not to convert those who she encountered, rather, she loved herself so much that she had to become Jesus to the poor of the street!

We all have our call! Wherever we are, let us embrace our cross as true disciples of Jesus and be Jesuslike wherever our mission is!


Our Special Pearl

God Is Everything!

Putting God First!

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who on the finding one Pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”
Matthew 13: 45-46

The Special Pearl!

We all have special things in our lives. We have reasons why they are special. Maybe these things are special because they represent who were are or are most comfortable with? Maybe we just simply feel good about being in the presence of this person, place, or thing. But whatever it is, it’s presence in our lives gives us meaning.

What is that Special Pearl?

What does this Special Pearl do for us?

Our Lord Jesus explains that for those who are with Him, the Kingdom of Heaven must be that Special Pearl! If our Special Pearl is the Heavenly Kingdom, that means we are in company with the Lord!

What does this mean for us if the Kingdom of Heaven is our Special Pearl?

We have many important things in our lives, we have our families, our places of worship, our friends, our sports, and our places of work. These things can all bring us meaning, but if we want what Jesus can give us, the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7), He must be Our Special Pearl. Nothing may come before our love of Jesus!

Our love of Jesus must inform the totality of our lives!

Have a blessed day!
